Order of the Star - Est 1022
The Lord Seignuer of the Fief Blondel maintains the Chevalier Order of the Star which is probably the 2nd
oldest knighly order of chivalry of the Franks and Normandy.
By virtue of nobility and titles being outlawed in France and the fact that the Channel Islands are part of
Normandy, the Seigneur has authorized the Order of the Star to operate on the lands and shores of
the Fief Blondel in Guernsey where the Feudal Laws of the Fief s and the Bailiwick of Guernsey still apply.
The Seigneur of Fief Blondel is a direct descendant of William the Conqueror, the Royal Capets,
Charles de Valois 1270–1325 and the De Martels of France. The Seigneur of Fief Blondel has expanded the
order to 120 Knights. The Seigneur's 16th great-grandfather is Louis IX Capet de Bourbon, King of
France. The Seigneur of Fief Blondel today is the Chief Captain and Baron
of Annaly-Longford, Lord Baron of Ennerdale Copeland and Lord of the Liberty of Stoborough.
