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Dossier of the Grant of Feudal Longford Seignory :

The GRANT to George Mentz, Seigneur of Blondel of: All and Singular*/Each and Every of:  The Ancient Barony, Baron Palatine,  Honours, Lordship, Seignory, of the Administrative County Longford together with: (ALL Rights, Privileges, & Perquisites) are granted and conveyed to Dr/Jur. George Mentz, Seigneur of Fief Blondel in Aug 2018, transferred from the: Original sale of rights by The Earl of Westmeath William Anthony Nugent Feb. 7th, 1996.


The Purchase of said rights to "County Longford's" Honours  Lordships, Seignorys,  Feudal Barony, Baron Palatine, and Perquisites in Fee Simple by George Mentz Esq. includes the right to the Seignory/Barony by any name it may be called or known. The Feudal Lordships & Seignory of Co. Longord may be one of the most interesting ancient principalities and baronies in Irish-Anglo-Norman History.

 History evidences that the Kingdom of Meath was given to Hugh de Lacy. His Barons were appointed throughout the old kingdom.  Baron Delvin or Gilbert de Nogent/Nugent was given the most western lands and was the only baron and lord in the Westmeath according to the Annals of Westmeath. 

De Nugent came to Ireland with de Lacy in 1171 and settled  land in Delvin.  De Nugent was granted the title Baron of Delvin within the Lordship of Meath, a title now held by the Earl of Westmeath. The original Westmeath contained Longord County and also people  of Delbna/Delvin.

In 1621, the Baron was made Earl of Westmeath.  In 1996, the Earl of Westmeath deeded in fee simple his rights to honors and seignory of Longford which is the ancient region corresponding to the Principality of Annaly or Annalie which was controlled by the Chiefs and Princes of O'Farrell. Longford village was the old fort of O'Farrell. The Nugent family and O'Farrells and many other clans have intermarried over the last 800 years.

The Seigneur of Blondel has acquired any and all Feudal Baronies and Lordships and Seignories of Longford,  titular rights, honors, barony, and perquisites of the region of the Adminstrative County of Longford from Lord Westmeath.

Historically, Queen Mary and Philip made large grants to Baron Delvin of AbbeyLara Town and Hereditaments  1557 and Granard and and also most all of Columbkille and Northwest Annaly along with the Holy Island of Inchcleraun Grant in 1552  in the Lough Ree and The grant of Inchmore Island & Priory, Lough Gowna. Many of these grants were made event before Longford became a County separated from Westmeath.  

King James granted the ancient seat of the Annaly region and many other castles, manors, monateries, abbeys,  and feudal seats of power to Baron Delvin within the Annaly or "Longford Westmeath", or inside of the historical County Longford region.   Baron and Chief of the Castle "Lissardowlan as spelled today" History of the County Longford - Page 60 - Google Books Result-  

The market and fair with courts of Longford were granted to Baron Delvin in 1605 by King James.

Historically the Longford County Honours & Perquisites May Include a study of the Following:

  1. Seignory of the Kingdom of Teffia - TEABHTHA or Teamhfna – LATIN TEFFIA IS THE TERRITORY OF COUNTY LONGFORD - south Tethba—Tethbae Deiscirt— Centered around its Capital Ardagh.[2] It was divided into two distinct kingdoms, north Tethba, ruled by the Cenél Coirpri, and south Tethba, ruled by the Cenél Maini 
  2. Seignory of the  Principality de Anghaile OR Feudal Principality of Annaly - Princes of Anghaile , Annaly or Annalie or Chieftain and Princes of Annaly (  (also known as Conmaicne Maigh Rein) 
  3. Baron Delvin of Longford or Baron of Longphort - Leinster PROVINCE (Baron of Longfoirt is a VIKING or Irish Spelling)  The Longford/Annalie Feudal Barony, Market and Fair were controlled by the Baron Delvin and Lords of Westmeah. 
  4. Seignory of the Western Kingdom of Meath - Longford was the Western portion of the Kingdom. 
  5. Feudal Baron of Rathline & Cashell or Ratheline & Cashell . 
  6. Lord Baron of Lisnanagh Castle, Co. Longford (Capite forever). Baron Lissaghanedan/Manor Correboy in Longford Barony.  Near Longford Town and Edgeworthstown. In grants it is spelled: Lissenoannagh Those lands created the manor of Correboymore or Coreboy, with court leet and view of frank-pledge and court baron ; with power to appoint seneschals and other officers, with jurisdiction in all actions for covenant and tres- pass where the damages Lios na nUamhanach or Lisnanagh |      See Map of Where Lisnanagh Is 
  7. Longford Barony Market and Fair - Grant from the King to Baron Delvin - Longford County. Licence to hold a Thursday market and a fair on the 1st of August, and two days at Longford, with the usual courts and fees 
  8. Seignory of Kingdom of Breifne - Longford a  province. 
  9. Seignory of and Lord Baron of Cairpre Gabra- Cairpre Gabra lay between the tuaths of Luigne-Gailenga to the east,and the Conmaicne Rein to the north-west. Centred near Granard, Cairpre Gabra lay along the northern border of the ancient Kingdom of Meath, and comprised the barony of Granard, and at part of the barony of Longford 
  10. Baron of Inchmore or Inishmor in the Annalie (Co Longford) Priory, Island in Lough Gowna – Grant forever.  Augustinian Priory called Inch Mór Monastery. Forever  in capite. Also, a Papal Grant of Inchmore to Baron Delvin of Longford-Westmeath/Nugents for as long as there is a schism in the church. 
  11. Seignory &  Feudal Baron of Upper Conmaicne (which is county Longford) Then the County Longford came to be known as Upper Conmaicne, to distinguish it from Muinntir-Eolais or South Leitrim 
  12. Feudal Lord Baron of  Brigh Leithe – Ancient Longford Name (   Bri Leith)A Fief or Seignory 
  13. Lord or Baron of AbbeyLara or “Abbey Larha” of Annaly & County Longford (To Nugents in Capite forever) 
  14. Lord or Prince of East Connaught Kingdom 1014 
  15. Baron of Westmeath of the Priory of Fore - 1541 - grant of the manors of Belgard and Fore, Co. Longford-Westmeath to Nugents. 
  16. Feudal Baron of Moyashell or MoyasHill Moyas-Hill  – Westmeath or barony of Moyashel or Magheradernon in Westmeath. The Tuite and Marward family rights may have been transferred over to Nugents throught marriage and issue. 
  17. Chiefs and Barons of Liserdawle - Manors/Castles of Liserdawle, Killenlassaragh, Moate, Grant of 1609 from King James I  - Lord Delvin owned essentially 1/2 of Longford County which was Later Surrendered for payments of 100 Pounds Sterling.  Lord Baron Lisserdowle ( Castle and Lands) Original Seat of the Princes and Cheifs of Annaly which is a Feudal 'Fons Honorum'  Titled Seat. 
  18. Baron of Skryne - Skrine Skreen Ancient  Skryne -  Skryine is a Feudal Barony inherited by Delvin Nugents by Marriage from to the last titular Baroness of the Marward Clan. 
  19. Feudal Lord of Balrath & Lord of Bracklyn or Brackloom 
  20. Priory and Manor of Foure or Fower . Jan. 2nd 1612 – in Capite for Knights Service.    Lord Baron of Belgarde & Foure & Kilthorne Manors. 
  21. Count Nugent - Lord of Killasona Longford Co - & Freiherr von Nugent  -  Graf Nugent of Longford County 
  22. Pope’s Grant of of Inchmore  1635
    Despite the twenty year grant the island obviously remained with the family for considerably longer. A further grant recorded in the Calendar of Papal Documents relates that in 1635 the Pope permitted the Earl of Westmeath to retain the property during the schism. The Papal grant was made on condition that if the schism should come to an end that the earl would restore the abbeys to whatever orders had previously held them. The Nugent estates were very considerable and quite apart from Inchmore they also held the lands of Fore which had a very large monastic site. 
  23. Lord Baron of Coolamber Castle - 
  24. Feudal Lord or Feudal Count Palatine of Meath - The Longford-Westmeath area was a grant in 1171 by King Henry the Second of the entire Kingdom of Meath to DeLacy and his Barons. The Earl of Westmeath would have been the Feudal Count of Westmeath. 
  25. Princes of Fiacha - Citation  The descendants of this Fiacha, are the ancient tribes of MacGeoghegans of Kinallach, and the O'Molloys of Fearcall." Fiacha and McGoeghegans were based near Mulligar 
  26. Baron of Columbkile
  27. Baron of Lerha  (AbbeyLara Precinct Grants)
  28. Baron of Smere
  29. Baron of Temple Michael
  30. Baron Inchcleraun
  31. Feudal Baron Killasonna
  32. Baron Skryne
  33. Baron Grandard


 *Mentz, Seigneur of Blondel,  is a descendant of the McConnell or Mac Domnaill, McMechan McMahon, and Fleming Clans, and this ancient land and central Irish region is part of his ancestry of which immigrated from Ireland to the USA.

* ALL AND SINGULAR Definition: A comprehensive; term often employed in conveyances, wills, and the like, which includes the aggregate or whole and also each of the separate items or components. McClaskoy v. Ilarr (C. C.) 54 Fed. 798.  * All and singular is a legal phrase meaning "each and every". It is an antiquated term that was commonly used in making bequests under a will, and other contexts. All and Singular Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.


Delvin -Nugent - Early Grants in Longford from Queen Mary and King James 

With the government showing little inclination to reach a more permanent settlement with the O’Farrells, Delvin led a raid across Lough Ree shortly before Christmas 1548.21 Despite opposition from the nearby Dillons, it seems that Delvin succeeded in gaining a foothold in the southern reaches of the O’Farrell lordship. In 1552 the crown granted the dissolved monastery of Holy Island, Lough Ree, to the baron, together with associated lands and tithes.22 This was more than a mundane grant of ecclesiastical land in one’s county of residence, which many peers, gentry and officials received: it must be viewed in the context of mid-Tudor expansionism. The government was willing in 1553 to nominate a ‘captain and governor’ of the O’Farrell Boy branch, yet allowed Delvin to build up a landholding profile within the branch’s sphere of influence on the banks of Lough Ree. Lord Deputy Croft and his advisors described these lands as in ‘a waste, wylde Countrey amonge the yrishe where lytle obedyence doth contynue’, but Delvin had announced his intention to fortify his new territory.23

The baron was also granted the monastic site at Granard, in the northeast of the Annaly lordship; this also represented a projected expansion of English influence. Before the 15th century Granard Abbey had been an exclusively English foundation, but papal order forced it to admit Gaelic men. The house quickly lost its English identity, and fell completely under O’Farrell patronage.24 Thus Delvin’s acquisition of Granard represented an effort to reincorporate former English church lands into English society. Confirmation of the achievements of Baron Richard in enhancing the importance of his house came in 1553, when he joined O’Connor Roe in a devastating raid on the MacDermots of Moylurg, a lordship situated west of the Annaly and a considerable distance from Delvin territory.25

County Longford Monastery of Holy Island Lough Ree also Granted to Lord Delvin in 1552


ANNALY, OR LONGFORD - Principality of Annaly
Anghaile or "Annaly," which was formed out of the ancient territory of Teffia (Latin), comprised the whole of the County Longford, and was the principality of O'Farrell. His chief residence was the town of "Longford," anciently called Longphort-Ui-Fhearghail or the Fortress of O'Farrell. This territory was divided into Upper and Lower Annaly: the former comprising that part of Longford south of Granard, and a part of the County Westmeath, was possessed by O'Farrell Buidhe (or O'Farrell the Yellow); the latter, or that portion north of Granard, was possessed by O'Farrell Ban (or O'Farrell the Fair). The O'Farrells were dispossessed of this territory by Hugh de Lacy in the twelfth century.

This victory at Thurles gave new courage to the Irish, as it was the first pitched battle they had won against the invaders; and now, in this year 1174, "taking head from O'Brien's success, they sprang up on all sides, and the earl could not move from Waterford."* Even there he was not long safe, for the citizens, exasperated by the licentiousness of the soldiery developed during Raymond's command, rose in arms and killed 200 of the English garrison, and Strongbow was obliged to betake himself to an island near the town.f
Hugh De Lacy had been parcelling out his seigniory of Meath, including the country to the banks of the Liffey, among the knights and lords who accompanied him, and they had taken pains to consolidate their settlement by the importation of men and arms, and the erection of numerous castles. To his true friend Hugh Tyrrell, De Lacy had presented Castleknock; and to William Petit, Castlebrack; to Gilbert De Nangle and his son Jocelyn, a great tract of country; to Richard Tuite, " fair possessions;" to Richard De La Chappell, "much land;" to Adam De Feipo the domains of Skryne, Clontarf, and Santry; to Gilbert De Nugent, the territory of Delvin; to William De Misset and Hugh De Hose, or Hussey," large inheritances;" to Geoffrey De Constantine, lands in O'Ferral's country of Annaly; to Thomas Le Fleming, Ardee; to "the valiant Meyler Fitz-Henry," to Robert De Lacy, to AdamDullard, to " one Thomas," and to Richard Le Fleming, large tracts also.*

To learn more, read the Baronage of Ireland  




















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