The armiger is the Seigneur of the Fief Thomas Blondel, Guernsey, confirmed on
the 27th February 2018 before the Lieutenant Bailiff and Jurats of the Royal Court of the
island of Guernsey.
The arms represent a combination of inspiration from the ancient Channel Islands of Normandy from
the time of Rollo the Viking to present day Queen Elizabeth II and the ancestors and countries of
origin of the armiger as Seigneur of Fief Thomas Blondel which represents the parishes of St Pierre
du Bois and of Notre Dame de Torteval.
Fief Thomas Blondel is situated in the parishes of St Peter in the Wood and Torteval and was
conveyed to the armiger with all its appurtenances dependencies rights privileges and emoluments
rents revenues dignities rights of court homages foreshores forfeitures champarts of corn services
escheats and all other rights and seigneurial usages belonging to or dependent on the said fief
without exception or reservation whatsoever. A certain fief called the Fief Thomas Blondel being in
the said parishes, parcel of the Fief au Canely containing about three Bouvees of land called the
Bouvee Phlipot Pain, lying in the said parish of St Pierre du Bois, and the Bouvees Torquetil and
Bourgeon with the dependency Fief de l'Eperon lying in the said parish of Torteval and likewise all
and such seigneuries, dignities, liberties, graces and franchises as to the aforesaid