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The Evolution of Manorial Rights and Manorial Incidents

by: Comm'r George Mentz JD MBA CWM OSJ Order of St. Jürgen Habsburg Lothringen - Counselor of Law and Chancelor or the Worldwide Anglican Church (Anglican Orthodox Church).

The evolution of land rights through technological advancements and the discovery of new types of rare minerals has been transformative, altering how land is valued and utilized across various sectors. Traditionally, land rights were straightforward, primarily concerning surface rights and basic usage for agriculture or settlement. However, as technology has advanced and the need for new resources has increased, the spectrum of land rights has expanded significantly, encompassing a range of intangible rights that now include control over natural resources, development potentials, and environmental impacts. 

Technological Impact on Land Rights 

Technological advancements have fundamentally changed how we interact with and perceive land ownership. For instance, the rise of renewable energy technologies has introduced new rights like solar and wind rights, which are crucial in the fight against inner city pollution and waste. Landowners can now control the use of wind and sunlight that crosses their property, which has not only increased the value of such lands but also contributed to a greener energy landscape. 

The development of underground and seabed resource extraction technologies has also expanded the scope of land rights. Modern drilling techniques allow deeper and more complex extraction processes, necessitating comprehensive drilling rights that cover not just oil and natural gas, but also geothermal energy and rare minerals. The discovery of these resources can significantly alter the economic prospects of a land area, bringing about complex negotiations over mineral, subsurface, seabed mining, and drilling rights. 

Expansion of Land Rights in the Digital and Environmental Era 

As we move further into the digital age, new types of land rights have emerged, such as rights related to the installation of telecommunications infrastructure, like 5G networks and underwater cables. These technologies require physical space but operate in a largely intangible realm, illustrating how land rights have evolved beyond simple physical occupancy or use. 

Moreover, the increasing awareness of environmental issues has led to the development of rights that protect ecological and cultural features. Conservation easements, for example, restrict the type of development on certain lands to preserve their environmental or historical significance. Similarly, carbon credits and pollution credits have become a form of land right that plays a crucial role in global efforts to combat climate change. 

Legal and Economic Implications 

The expansion of land rights has significant legal and economic implications. Property laws have had to evolve to accommodate the multifaceted nature of modern land rights, incorporating aspects of environmental law, international treaties, and local land-use regulations. Economically, these rights can add substantial value to a property, influencing real estate markets, investment decisions, and economic development strategies. 


In summary, the expansion of land rights facilitated by new technologies and the discovery of rare minerals represents a crucial evolution in how we manage and value land. These rights have not only increased the economic potential of land but also introduced new challenges and opportunities in legal and environmental dimensions. As technology continues to advance and the global demand for resources increases, the complexity and importance of comprehensive land rights will only continue to grow, necessitating ongoing adaptations in legal frameworks and economic strategies to manage these valuable assets effectively. 


Lordships Manorial Incidents and Fiefs - Intangible rights in land: 

1.      Air Rights - The right to control, lease, or develop the space above a property. 

2.      Mineral Rights - The right to extract minerals beneath the surface of the land. 

3.      Water Rights - The right to access and use water from a water body adjacent to or traversing the property. 

4.      Drilling Rights - The right to drill for oil, natural gas, or other substances. 

5.      Development Rights - The right to develop the land for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. 

6.      Fishing Rights - The right to fish in water bodies on or adjacent to the land. 

7.      Hunting Rights - The right to hunt wildlife on the property. 

8.      Grazing Rights - The right to allow livestock to graze on the land. 

9.      Logging Rights - The right to harvest timber from the land. 

10.                         Advertising Rights - The right to place advertisements, such as billboards, on the property. 

11.                         Easements  - The right for others to use the property for a specific purpose, such as a right of way. 

12.                         Airwave Rights - The right to control the transmission of radio frequencies over the land. 

13.                         Solar Rights - The right to access sunlight, often for the operation of solar panels. 

14.                         Wind Rights - The right to harness wind energy on the land. 

15.                         Cell Tower Rights - The right to erect and operate cellular towers. 

16.                         Geothermal Rights - The right to access and use geothermal energy sources beneath the property. 

17.                         Carbon Credits - Rights related to the trade or sale of carbon offset credits. 

18.                         View Rights - The right to preserve a property’s view from being obstructed. 

19.                         Light Rights - The right to receive a certain amount of natural light, preventing neighboring buildings from blocking it. 

20.                         Litter Rights - The right to permit or prohibit litter collection and disposal on the land. 

21.                         Broadcasting Rights - The right to transmit digital or analog signals over the land. 

22.                         Access Rights - The right to provide or deny access to certain parts of the land. 

23.                         Riparian Rights - Rights related to the use of water resources along riverbanks. 

24.                         Subsurface Rights - Rights to the space beneath the earth's surface, separate from mineral or drilling rights. 

25.                         Conservation Easements - Rights to restrict the type of development to preserve environmental or cultural features. 

26.                         Cultural Heritage Rights - Rights to protect and preserve areas of historical or cultural significance. 

27.                         Noise Rights - Rights concerning the level of noise permissible on or emanating from the property. 

28.                         Seismic Rights - Rights concerning the exploration and detection of geological activity. 

29.                         Vibration Rights - Rights to limit or control vibrations caused by external activities. 

30.                         Pollution Credits - Rights related to emitting a determined amount of pollutants, tradable as credits. 

31.                         Beach Access Rights - The right of public access to the beach from nearby land. 

32.                         Foreshore Rights - Rights associated with the use and enjoyment of the foreshore area for activities like recreation or commerce. 

33.                         Seabed Mining Rights - The right to extract mineral resources from the seabed. 

34.                         Seabed Drilling Rights - Rights to drill on the seabed for oil, natural gas, or other resources. 

35.                         Seasteading Rights - Rights associated with building and maintaining floating habitable structures on the ocean. 

36.                         Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Rights - Rights of a state to regulate the maritime activities in the waters extending 200 nautical miles from its coast, including fishing, mining, and energy production. 

37.                         Marina Development Rights - Rights to develop and operate marinas for docking, maintenance, and provisioning of boats and yachts. 

38.                         Docking Rights - Rights to moor or anchor vessels along a particular stretch of waterfront. 

39.                         Fishing Rights - Rights to fish in specific coastal or offshore areas, often regulated by quotas or permits. 

40.                         Aquaculture Rights - Rights to cultivate marine species like fish, shellfish, and seaweed in a designated water body. 

41.                         Water Sports Rights - Rights to engage in activities such as surfing, kiteboarding, and jet skiing in designated areas. 

42.                         Navigational Rights - Rights related to the passage of ships and boats through certain maritime zones. 

43.                         Coastal Development Rights - Rights to develop land close to the shore, subject to environmental and regulatory constraints. 

44.                         Shoreline Stabilization Rights - Rights to implement measures that protect the shoreline from erosion, such as seawalls or groynes. 

45.                         Salvage Rights - Rights related to the recovery of property lost at sea and the compensation for those who recover such property. 

46.                         Shipwreck Rights - Rights to explore, recover, or preserve shipwrecks found off the coast. 

47.                         Cultural Heritage Rights - Rights to protect and manage areas of historical or archaeological importance found within coastal or marine settings. 

48.                         Tourism Rights - Rights to operate tours, provide recreational services, or manage attractions along the coastline. 

49.                         Pollution Control Rights - Rights to enforce regulations to prevent or control pollution in marine environments. 

50.                         Environmental Conservation Rights - Rights to maintain and manage marine and coastal ecosystems for conservation purposes. 

51.                         Wharfage Rights - Rights to charge a fee for the use of a wharf for loading or unloading goods. 

52.                         Anchorage Rights - Rights regarding where vessels may anchor, often controlled to protect environmental or navigational interests. 

53.                         Coastal Resource Management Rights - Rights to manage the sustainable use of coastal resources, balancing ecological, economic, and social interests. 

54.                         Public Trust Doctrine Rights - Rights governing the use of lands submerged under water, held in trust by the state for the benefit of the public. 

55.                         Coastal Easement Rights - Rights granted through easements for public access or utility crossing along the coast. 

56.                         Littoral Rights - Rights concerning property owners whose land borders a body of water, involving access to and use of the water. 

57.                         Moorland Rights - Rights to use coastal moorlands for grazing, as is often the case in rural coastal areas. 

58.                         Research Rights - Rights to conduct scientific research in coastal or marine areas. 

59.                         Renewable Energy Rights - Rights to develop and harness renewable energy sources like wind and tidal power in marine settings. 

60.                         Offshore Construction Rights - Rights to construct facilities such as wind farms, oil platforms, or bridges in offshore areas. 

61.                         Carbon Capture and Storage Rights  - Rights to use land for the purpose of capturing and storing carbon dioxide to mitigate climate change. 

62.                         Intellectual Property Rights in Agritech  - Rights to innovations in agricultural technology that improve efficiency and sustainability, such as precision farming and genetically modified crops. 

63.                         Rights to Lay Underwater Cables  - Rights to install fiber optic cables under bodies of water to support global communication networks. 

64.                         5G Network Installation Rights  - Rights to use land for the installation of 5G cellular network infrastructure, including towers and small cell sites. 

65.                         Geographical Indication Rights  - Rights to use land-associated names for products that have specific qualities due to the area in which they are produced. 

66.                         Renewable Energy Rights  - Rights to develop and utilize land for renewable energy projects, such as solar farms or wind turbines. 

67.                         Environmental Servitudes  - Rights that allow or restrict land use in ways that conserve environmental qualities, such as wildlife corridors or natural habitat preservation. 

68.                         Smart Grid Technology Rights  - Rights to use land for the implementation of smart grid technologies that enhance electrical grid performance and energy efficiency. 

69.                         Digital Mapping Rights  - Rights to use and create digital maps of land for various purposes, including urban planning and environmental management. 

70.                         Rights to Environmental Sensors  - Rights to install sensors on land that monitor environmental conditions, such as air and soil quality. 

71.                         Biotechnology Field Trial Rights  - Rights to use specific plots of land for field trials of biotechnological innovations, such as disease-resistant crops. 

72.                         Water Management Technology Rights  - Rights to implement advanced irrigation and water management technologies to optimize water use in agriculture. 

73.                         Eco-Tourism Development Rights  - Rights to develop land for eco-tourism purposes, which must align with sustainability principles to minimize environmental impact. 

74.                         Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rights  - Rights to establish electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on land to support the transition to electric transport. 

75.                         Pollution Control Technology Rights  - Rights to place technologies on land that reduce or control pollution, including air filtration systems and water purification installations. 

76.                         Urban Vertical Farming Rights  - Rights to use urban land for vertical farming operations, which use technology to grow crops in vertically stacked layers. 

77.                         Recycling Facility Rights  - Rights to develop and operate facilities on land dedicated to the recycling of various materials. 

78.                         Drone Technology Rights  - Rights to use land as launch or landing sites for drones used in agricultural monitoring, delivery services, or environmental surveillance. 

79.                         Noise Control Rights  - Rights to implement technologies on land that mitigate noise pollution, important in urban areas. 

80.                         Land Reclamation Rights  - Rights to reclaim land through technological means, often for urban expansion or agricultural use, while ensuring environmental impact is minimized. 

81.                         Technology Park Development Rights  - Rights to develop technology parks which are designed to foster innovation and development in tech-related industries. 

82.                         Sustainable Landscaping Rights  - Rights to employ sustainable landscaping technologies that conserve water and enhance biodiversity. 

83.                         Telecommunication Relay Rights  - Rights to install relay antennas and other telecommunication infrastructures that facilitate wireless communication. 

84.                         Aquifer Recharge Rights  - Rights to use land-based technologies to enhance the recharge of groundwater aquifers, critical for water sustainability. 

85.                         Rights to Offshore Wind Energy  - Rights to utilize coastal land and seabed for the anchoring of offshore wind farms, combining land and maritime rights for energy generation. 


Counselor Mentz proclaims airspace rights to foreshore and extended continental shelf of the Fief of Blondel which is potentially over 1000 acres of land, foreshore and seabed.  rights to sand and foreshore included in Fief Seigneur Rights just like seeweed.


The Fief of Blondel has 3 separate foreshores.  Each are somewhat small, but add up to somewhere between 200 and 300 yards of length.  If you multiply 200 yards times 15 Miles of Continental Shelf, you have over 1,000 acres of land which is over 2,600 Vergees of Land of Guernsey.  Keep in mind, the largest Fief in Guernsey is Fief Le Roi which is 800 acres not including any shelf.










