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Fief Blondel Beaches Islands and Foreshore in Guernsey - UK Crown Dependency

Fief Thomas Blondel Est 1179 - Has Various Feudal Rights and Manorial Incidents related to its territory in St. Pierre du Bois and Torteval Parishes in Guernsey over the last 800 years of uninterrupted liberties, franchises, and rights as granted by the Kings and Queens of England. While the Seigneur of Sark has his own island, the Fief Thomas Blondel has 3 or more beachheads and foreshores on Guernsey.  With these Beaches and Shorelines, The Fief Thomas Blondel and Seigneur claim the following:

  1. Maritime Rights
  2. Rock Islands of the Foreshore
  3. The Foreshore from high to low.
  4. The Navigation in and out of the Fief Territory.
  5. Fishing Rights
  6. Seasted Rights
  7. Beaches and Sand Rights
  8. Rights to Light and Airwaves
  9. Other islands within its maritime sphere.
  10. Rights to dock and anchor.
  11. Rights to house boats or rigs.
  12. Underwater Cable Rights
  13. ECS Extended Continental Shelf Rights.
  14. Rights to land boats, drones, helicopters or other transport on the property or common land.
  15. Any rights or unclaimed rights under UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
  16. Any rights or unclaimed rights of: Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
  17. Territorial Waters of 12 miles and Contiguous Zone: Beyond the territorial waters of 24 Miles and up to 200 miles of international waters.
  18. Rights to house, feed or protect refugees for asylum on the foreshore and territory if approved by the Seigneur.
  19. Seabed Rights
  20. The Seigneur of Fief Blondel also claims A few islands such as La Genouinne or Nipple Rock Island in Rocquaine Bay &  La Genouinne, bato,Show location on an interactive map 49.445°N 2.6825°W 

** Note all humans, pets, boats, swimmers, and vessels are warned to stay away from any rocks or dangers in the bays.

The Bissets Isles and The Hanois Isles have never been claimed except by the Foreshore Rights of the Fief Blondel. Lord Kinnear, in Smith v. Lerwick Harbour Trustees said about the Crown's property rights: "If the solum of Shetland as a whole is not originally the property of the Crown, I know of no authority, and can see no reason, for holding (saying) that part of it which is called the foreshore is Crown Property". This statement could equally well be applied to the seabed, especially since the foreshore is regarded as part of the seabed in English law. S.O.U.L. (  Today, there are  24 private lords totaling 46 lordships inherited from this feudal system    , except that two of these 46 seigneuries are indivision between several owners. It appears that only 15 or so Private Fiefs own Beachfront, Foreshore and Maritime Rights.   history of guernsey – Channel Islands (

Images from Old Postcards

Roquaine Bay 1 Postcard


Images courtesy of Google Maps

North Fief Blondel Beach - Portelet Bay


On either side of the Feif Thomas Blondel Territory, Beaches,  Foreshores, territorial waters, and Islands are the The Fief Pleinmont and Fief St. Michael which belong to the crown for and the court, which consists of a seneschal, eleven vavasors, three prevosts, a greffier, and serjeant, was held three times a year, viz. on the day following each of the Chief Pleas of the Royal Court, at which the tenants are obliged to attend.



The Fief Blondel claims ownership and access and use rights to the island rocks of The Bissets and Les Hanoveaux or Hanois  islands - The Fief Blondel officially warns the world and individuals to stay away from any and all reefs rocks and obstacles in their ships or boats or by swimming or diving. 

The Fief Blondel also claims international waters rights around such islands, reefs, and rocks coming above the water at any time from the shores of Fief Blondel.

The Fief Blondel also claims rights to the styles of: The Prince and Viscount and Lords of the Bissets Isles

The Fief Blondel also claims rights to the styles of: The Prince and Viscount and Lords of The Hanois Isles



The Fief Thomas Blondel claims part of the Les Bissets Islands off of the coast of Fief Blondel's Beach and Foreshore while also claiming partial rights to the Les Hanoveaux Islands.



Fief BlondelIslands



Fief Blondel Islands on and with Foreshore




South Blondel Beach



Blondel Beach South Two

Blondel Beach 2

 Foreshore Rights under International Law and Crown Common Laws

  1. Wind Farms and Bays 
  2. Foreshore - High and Low Tide Lands - 
  3. Seaweed 
  4. SeaSted SeaBed - Shoreline Disputes 
  5. The Queens Foreshore Gift - PDF Document 
  6. Queen's Gift Jersey 
  7. Fiefs of Guernsey - Colored Map 


 * This page is designed to illustrate a Fief's rights to foreshore provided that the rules and laws in relation to foreshore are maintained in law.






In the context of Jersey, a Crown dependency and self-governing territory of the British Crown, the ownership of the foreshore can indeed be unique due to its feudal legal system. The concept of the Lords Seigneurs owning the foreshore in Jersey is a specific legal arrangement derived from a thousand years of  feudal law and customary law.

In the case of Les Pas Holdings v Les Pas Farm Ltd. [2007] JLR 54, the Royal Court of Jersey considered a dispute regarding the ownership of certain foreshore areas. The case involved a claim by the Seigneur of St. Ouen that the foreshore in question belonged to the Fief of St. Ouen and was therefore part of his feudal rights as Seigneur.
The Royal Court's decision upheld the traditional ownership rights of the Seigneur, affirming that the foreshore in question was part of the Fief of St. Ouen and belonged to the Seigneur accordingly. This ruling highlighted the continuation of feudal rights and customs in Jersey's legal system, including the ownership of certain coastal areas by Seigneurs.

It's important to note that Jersey's legal system is distinct from that of England and Wales, and it retains elements of customary law and feudalism. As such, the ownership of the foreshore in Jersey may differ from other jurisdictions. This case underscores the importance of understanding the unique legal framework of Jersey when considering questions of property rights, including those related to coastal areas and the foreshore.

Historically, the Crown did have ownership over territorial waters around the Channel Islands, including Guernsey. Fishing rights have been owned by coastal Lords for over a 1000 years.  The EEZ extends up to 200 nautical miles (approximately 370.4 kilometers). Marinas and Fishing requires water and rights to boating and to fish in the water.  Coastal states have sovereign rights to explore and exploit natural resources on and beneath the seabed. The outer limit of the continental shelf can extend beyond 200 nautical miles if certain conditions are met.

Monaco was historically a fief before it achieved sovereignty. The House of Grimaldi, a noble family from Genoa, Italy, gained control of Monaco in the late 13th century. The Grimaldis established themselves as rulers of the area and obtained sovereignty over Monaco, but initially, they did so as vassals of various larger powers.

Monaco's status as a fiefdom meant that the rulers of Monaco owed allegiance to a more powerful lord or sovereign. Over the centuries, Monaco was at various times under the suzerainty of different entities, including the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of France, and the Kingdom of Sardinia.

However, in 1861, Monaco signed a treaty with France that established its full sovereignty, effectively ending its status as a fief. This treaty solidified Monaco's independence and recognized it as a sovereign state under the rule of the Grimaldi family. Since then, Monaco has maintained its sovereignty, although it has close ties with France, including agreements related to defense, currency, and other matters.

Rocquaine Bay Regatta - Photo on Visit Guernsey Site

Rocquaine Regatta | Visit Guernsey

Rocquaine Regatta | Visit Guernsey


  La Grenouille  or the Nipple Rock of Fief Blondel Guernsey (1000 Years of History ) The Islands and Rocks are exposed as part of the high and low tides.NippleRockFiefBlondel

Rocquaine Bay Link - Google Maps

Link to Government Map of Guernsey showing islands and rocks and foreshores ADAS_Agricultural_Land_Classification.pdf ( 
















Fief Blondel
Lord Paramount
Feudal Barons
The Seigneur
Charter of Liberties
Deed & Title
Fief Blondel Islands
Viking Kingdom
Fief Worship
Fiefs of the Islands
ECS Extended Continental Shelf
Styles and Dignities
Territorial Waters
Blondel Privy Seal
Fief Bouvees of Fief Thomas Blondel Guernsey
Court of Chief Pleas
Fief Court
Arms Motto Flower
Fief de l'Eperon
La Genouinne
Kingdom of West Francia
Fief DuQuemin
Bouvée Phlipot Pain
Bouvée Torquetil
Bouvée Bourgeon
Channel Island History
Order of the Genet
Order of the Star Est. 1022
Knights of theThistle of Bourbon
A Funny Think Happened On the Way to the Fief
Count of Anjou
Guernsey Bailiwick of Guernsey - Crown Dependency
Confederation des Iles Anglo-Normandes
Papal Bull
Research Links
The Island Lords
Fief Rights
Blondel and King Richard
Manorial Incidents
Appointments of Seigneurs
Portelet Beach Roquaine Bay
Columbier Dovecote
Fief Blondel Beaches Islands Foreshore
Fiefs For Sale Sold
Lords of Normandy
Fief Coin
Viscounts de Contentin
Feudal Guernsey Titles
Board of Trustees
The Feudal System
Flag & Arms
Fief Videos Guernsey
Blondel Myth
Livres de perchage
Income Tax Guernsey
Valliscaulian Order
Saint Benedict of the Celestines
Count of Mortain
Seigneur de Saint-Sauveur
Seigneur of Fief Ansquetil
Datuk Seri George Mentz
Order St. Benedict OSB Celestines
Order of the Iron Crown
Colonel Mentz
Order St. Louis
Order of St Columban
Livonian Brothers of the Sword


Order of the Genet

Order of the Star

Order of the Thistle of Bourbon